Thursday, October 31, 2013

Some of the fun...

Here's a few pictures of some our guests having a great time! Everyone loved it and I wish I had more time I know there's more that I could have come up with. With that being said I'll be starting a few weeks earlier for next year!

The rest of the house...

We used the dining room to serve all the food because we had an ice cream company that makes ice cream with a nitrogen tank in our kitchen. I painted the chandelier green and covered it with vines and flower petals... I'm thinking of leaving it like that all time now! We made "vines" out of Great Stuff spray foam and spray painted them, they are all over the bottom half of the house and looked great! In the kitchen we had the ice cream and the bar, with another light fixture wrapped in vines. We also had another grass rug at the bar area which really came in handy since there were kids running around. Every light was a green light, so the entire house had a green glow. It was awesome I wish it would have showed up in the pics but the flash cancelled it out, you can kind of see it in the picture where my dog was harrassing the ice cream guys.

Through the Front Door

I had the ingenious idea of taking different colored green streamers and twisting them up, it looked awesome... but again time was running out on me so I had to make a change. I mixed the streamers in with long tablecloths that I sliced up (similar to what I did on the front porch). This gave a really cool look and feel when you walk in the front door. Also, we had a little photo area and Poison Ivy's throne set up in the formal living room. This area too was lit up by all green LED lights. We had a fake grass rug in the photo area as well as hanging vines. The throne was covered in a green velvet fabric and some plants... you can also see my shoes next to it :)

The Front Yard

Mind you, I had grand plans of sculpting out a giant man eating monster but simply ran out of time. Instead my husband and I created some big venus fly trap monsters instead. Also, we hung up a skeleton wrapped in vines and even hung so eyeballs from the trees. We had little green lights all over too, including inside each of the hanging pumpkins. In the dark it was a really cool effect, but didn't photograph well because of the flash so here it is in the daytime.

This year for Halloween I wanted to do something different than the usual witches, zombies, haunted house theme. I pondered for a bit and decided on Poison Ivy's Lair. What fun this would be! I could be Poison Ivy, my husband could be Batman! ... well I tried checking Google and Pinterest for ideas, only I couldn't find any. Could it be? Nobody has ever thought to have a party like this before?! I thought I'd post up some of my pictures in case anybody else is ever in the same boat! Enjoy!